
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Teacher's Notes: Phonics and Bob Books

To date my favorite teacher's work is keeping notes on our lessons. It's not so much that I hugely enjoy the process, as it is that I find it wildly helpful. My notes for today after Erin's reading lesson give a snippet of life for us the last two years:

Teaching Reading with Bob Books: Set 2, Book One

Erin sped up her reading and enthusiasm with this new set. The old set has been through so much -- moving, miscarriage, whooping cough, several house guests, and the holidays.  She opened the new box and read as many of the titles as she could. She read the entire first book on her own with triumph as we sped around being too busy to oversee things that day.

Throughout the week I noticed Erin attempting to sound out new words out of books, off signs, and during board games.

The first formal lesson with Set 2 was a breeze. I stopped her after 5 pages for naps, but she could have done more. The new binder card with the schwa sound went over just fine. Awhile back I had made the decision to drastically rearranged our review binder based on a bit of new insight I'd gained as a teacher and I am still very happy with how that went and is going. Less binder cards per day is definitely the way to do it, as is keeping the lessons short and thorough.Nothing gets breezed over or overwhelming. 

**add more word building exercises and capitalize on Erin's desire to read from other sources

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